WHAT’s included ?
This is a "permanent" residential AZ240 mobile home park:
- with 21 lots
- along a 1/4 mile private gravel road with 3 entrances onto a paved highway
- on approximately 6 acres
- with no vacancies and no transients
- providing affordable country living
- with lots of trees and elbow room.
INCLUDED are the Mobile Home Park-owned:
- 1 single garage
- 1 yard light
- 1 compound fence
- 1 double garage
- 3 pump houses containing well equipment
- 5 wells with filtration and UV systems, each serving 5 or fewer homes
- 6 septic systems, each serving 5 or fewer homes.
Most homes, garages, and sheds are tenant-owned, therefore are EXCLUDED.
Also EXCLUDED are the Hydro One (electricity provider) owned:
- 2 sentinel street lights and meters.
Things that MAY BE EXCLUDED are the Mobile Home Park-owned:
- 1 mobile home
- approximately 1 acre containing solar power generation equipment.
Have a look ...